How do I create a moving average of the Open, High or Low?

How do I create a moving average of the Open, High or Low?

Do you want to know the moving average of a certain stock's open, high or low? In this article, we discuss the steps to take to find the moving average value for the open, high or low.

Adjust the Moving Average Parameters

To create a moving average for the open, high or low, you will need to add a second parameter to the moving average by adding the letter O for open, H for high and L for low. For example, if you want the 50-day simple moving average of the open, you would use “50,O” as the parameters. If you wanted the 50-day moving average of the low, you would use “50,L” instead. For the high, you would enter “50,H” as the parameters. An example of what this will look like on a chart is presented with $INDU below.

Keep in mind that this works for both Simple Moving Averages and Exponential Moving Averages.