

While we strive to provide a trouble-free website, sometimes things happen that are beyond our control. This helpful collection of articles covers a few problems you may encounter while using our website, along with instructions for troubleshooting and fixing them.

  • Unable to Log In - Are you not able to log in to the website at all? Try out the suggestions in this article to get logged in.
  • Popup-Blocking Software - Are you logged in, but certain features are not working correctly? It may be because of your popup-blocking software.
  • Problems Watching Web Shows - Are you having trouble watching our live web shows on StockCharts TV? This article will get you back on track.
  • Slow Website Performance - Is the website running slowly for you? There are several ways to figure out what might be causing the slowness.
  • Unusual Behavior - None of the above fixed the issues you're having? Here are some general troubleshooting steps to help you determine the problem and get it fixed.