Using OpenDNS to Help Avoid Connection Problems

Occasionally, we get a flurry of reports from several users that they can't connect to our website anymore. When this happens, typically all the users having connectin problems are using the same INternet Service Provider (ISP). Further investigation reveals that, for some unknown reason, the DNS servers at that ISP are missing our DNS record.

(Background: A “DNS Server” is a computer that converts an Internet name like “” into a series of numbers like “” that your computer can then use to actually connect to our website. If the DNS server loses our numbers, your computer cannot find us.)

Now typically most people use whatever DNS server their ISP tells them to use. You might remember typing some numbers into a dialog box labelled “DNS Server” back when you first set up your Internet connection. Unfortunately, many ISP's are not diligent in maintaining their DNS servers. This can lead to all kinds of problems such as slow Internet times and, as in the case described above, missing websites.

Fortunately, there is a MUCH better way.

OpenDNS is a free service that provides a set of rock solid, super-fast DNS servers to anyone who wants to use them. To use the OpenDNS servers, all you need to do is replace your ISP's DNS addresses with the OpenDNS addresses. Complete instructions can be found in the OpenDNS Setup Guide:

Using OpenDNS has the additional advantage of protecting you from accidentally visiting dangerous websites. It will warn you when you try to open a site that other users have flagged as dangerous.

We have used OpenDNS here at our offices for over a decade and we strongly recommend them to anyone that uses the Internet - especially those that are having trouble connecting to our website.